Welcome to Teifi Tiddlers swim school

Welcome to Teifi Tiddlers swim school where we teach baby and preschool lessons in a fun and friendly environment. Using learning practices and teaching techniques recommended by the STA (Swimming Teaching Association) to create a stimulating learning environment. 
Teifi Tiddlers is passionate about delivering quality, safe and fun lessons. The classes encourage a child’s natural ability within water to explore, play and swim. These gentle methods provide a safe, relaxed and structured class that’s fun and rewarding allowing babies and toddlers to progress and develop at their own pace. An enriching experience for you and your little one.
Lessons are taught with the parent or guardian in the water to offer support and encouragement.  Each lesson is 30 minutes and sessions  are held during the school term only. 


All the benefits of movement in the water

Assists in developing motor skills and co-ordination in a safe environment

Builds confidence and trust

Bonding experience

Establishes early enjoyment of being in water

Socialising with others

Sessions are relaxed

Learning at your own pace

Class Times and Days can be seen here: